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Air and Aerodynamics Overview

Students explore the characteristics of air and the interaction between moving air and solids. They learn that air is a compressible fluid, that it is composed of many gases, and that moving air can support solid materials in sustained flight. By studying birds and airplanes, they learn a variety of adaptations and designs that make flight possible and that provide for propulsion and control.


General Learner Expectations Students will:

6–5 Describe properties of air and the interactions of air with objects in flight.


Specific Learner Expectations Students will:

1. Provide evidence that air takes up space and exerts pressure, and identify examples of these properties in everyday applications.

2. Provide evidence that air is a fluid and is capable of being compressed, and identify examples of these properties in everyday applications.

3. Describe and demonstrate instances in which air movement across a surface results in lift— Bernoulli’s principle.

4. Recognize that in order for devices or living things to fly, they must have sufficient lift to overcome the downward force of gravity.

5. Identify adaptations that enable birds and insects to fly.

6. Describe the means of propulsion for flying animals and for aircraft.

7. Recognize that streamlining reduces drag, and predict the effects of specific design changes on the drag of a model aircraft or aircraft components.

8. Recognize that air is composed of different gases, and identify evidence for different gases. Example evidence might include: effects on flames, the “using up” of a particular gas by burning or rusting, animal needs for air exchange


April 26-29

Parachute Egg Drop

Study Guide

Unit Exam


April 11-14 

Balloon Powered Cars

Quiz 1


April 4 -8

4 Forces of Flight

Adaptations for Flight


March 28 - April 1

Air Science Fair

Bernoulli's Principle


March 21 - 25

Properties of Air Notes

Introduction to Air Science Fair


March 14 - 17

Introduction to Properties of Air


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